Puppy - 2013


  • Animation
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Science Fiction

A Minion, longing for a puppy, humorously tries to catch a dog, a squirrel, and even a ladybug, but none of his attempts succeed. Just as his hopes fade, a tiny UFO swoops down and abducts the ladybug. The Minion watches in fascination as the UFO, making adorable beeping noises, forms an unexpected bond with him, becoming his new "puppy." They share fun adventures, with the UFO using its space powers to entertain, playing music and enlarging snacks like cheese puffs and bananas. One evening, the UFO puppy shows the Minion its home in the stars and expresses a longing to return. The Minion, determined to help, sends an email with their picture to the UFO's home planet, triggering a rescue party. Before leaving, the UFO uses its grow-ray to enlarge the ladybug into a puppy-sized companion. The Minion, surrounded by friends, joyfully accepts the new “puppy,” ready for more adventures together.

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